
Why a Golf Ball Slices and What can be Done about it

When the golf ball slices it's embarrassing! The ball lands short of your intended target.  You might have to stop and look for your golf ball because it's in the rough, bush or trees. It wastes time, your friends get frustrated with you, and all in all the slice is just a big problem.

Ultimately the angle of the club face at impact is the main problem. When the face impacts the golf ball, it is too open relative to the path that the club was swung on. Potential problems could be your set up or your swing. 

However, it is certain that the club face is too open.

Solutions to help fix your slice:

1. Rotate your left hand grip clockwise. More knuckles should become visible.  Make sure to keep the grip of the club in the fingers, not the palm of the hand.

2. Drop the right foot 2 inches further away from your target line. Close your hips; your belt buckle should point to the right of the golf ball at address

3. As you start your back-swing turn your upper body fully before you start your downswing.

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