
How to Create a Powerful Golf Swing - TURN BABY, TURN!

The golf swing is a turning motion of momentum and power. It all starts with a good address position and takeaway. 

As the back swing starts, so does rotation, specifically with the shoulders. The shoulders and arms work together of most tour professionals to start the back swing simultaneously, and so should your swing.

To make sure that your shoulders and arms are starting the swing together, try this simple drill. 

1. Place a ball (soccer ball to basket ball in size) between your arms just above the elbow joints, bring your hands together palms facing, and form your normal address posture.

2. Now in this modified address position, place your rear against a wall.

3. Keep your rear against the wall and turn (to the right for a right handed player) the ball with your shoulders until your hands come to chest height. 
Now you have started your back swing like a tour pro!

To view the original posting and photos in the Southern Arizona Tee Times, click the link below.

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